Canopus 1 m telescope

The Canopus Hill Observatory houses the Canopus 1 metre telescope and is situated approximately 12 km from Hobart in Tasmania, Australia. Because of its extreme southerly latitude (43 degrees south) the telescope provides opportunities for study of the Magellanic Clouds throughout the year.

Telescope instrumentation includes a 2 channel high speed photometer with UBVR and C filters and a CCD photometer with SITe 512x512 pixel illuminated backside thinned CCD and quick change 6 channel filter wheel. These are mounted at the f/11 Cassegrain focus. A high resolution Coude spectrograph exists but is currently not operational. A tip-tilt mechanism on the tertiary mirror is now used for auto-guiding during long exposures but will be used for full first order image correction when a fast guide camera becomes available.

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